What issues can Psychotherapy address?

What you bring to our sessions will be up to you. You may be seeking psychotherapy or counselling with a specific goal in mind or prefer to take a more exploratory approach. You might choose to revisit past events or to focus on what is happening in your life currently. For many of those with whom I work, sessions involve a combination of these activities.

I am experienced in- and comfortable with- offering support for a broad range of issues, including:

Affairs and betrayals



Body/appearance-related issues


Compulsive/ritualistic behaviours


Developmental Trauma

Eating Difficulties

Family Issues

Health Anxiety

Health Conditions

Identity Issues

Intrusive/obsessive thoughts

Lack of confidence


Low Mood

Panic Attacks


Relationship Issues

Sexual assault/abuse

Sexual Difficulties

Self-esteem issues


Separation and divorce

Social Anxiety



Suicidal Thoughts


Work-related issues


My Special Interest Areas

Developmental and later-life trauma; creativity and recovery; self-care and resilience; life transitions; emotional regulation; low mood/depression; self-esteem; embodied experience; relationships (with self and others); personal growth/wellbeing; issues relating to identity/self-concept; and Higher Education and the student experience (prior to my psychotherapy training, I spent over 2 decades studying, teaching, and providing pastoral support at various universities in the UK and US, making me highly equipped to support students and others employed within university settings).

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